
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

We believe that the local church is God's primary vehicle for the expansion of His kingdom. Therefore we will invest the largest portion of our mission resources in church planting strategies in various cultural contexts both in the United States and abroad.

We believe that the proper role of the cross-cultural missionary is an equipper of national church planters and a facilitator of church planting movements. Therefore we will strongly support missionaries with a vision for planting indigenous churches with native leadership.

We believe that short-term missions are the most effective method of involving our members in world evangelism. Short-term missions provides believers with the opportunity to experience the work of God in the world and provide an excellent tool for the mobilization of longer-term missionaries. We have a long-term partnership with the Reformed Church in Hanover, Jamaica.

How Can I Serve?
1 You Can Pray
2 You Can Send
3 You Can Go

Redeemer supports missionary efforts locally and around the world through evangelism,
discipleship, Bible translation, among other activities. Please consider regularly praying for one
or many of our missionary families.

Active Missionaries

Derrick And Katie

Serving in North Africa
Derrick and Katie, along with their three children, have served in North Africa since 2019, where Katie facilitates relationships among local churches and Christian organizations, while Derrick, a mental health professional, provides services to the local community.

The "S" Family

Pioneers International, Middle East
The S family is preparing to go to the Middle East to focus on church planting and disciple
making. They are using a business platform to work and live among Gulf Arabs.

Wright Bushing

Church Planting, PCA
Wright and Elizabeth Bushing have been called by the Southwest Florida Presbytery to establish a church near the USF campus. Their small church is expanding, and they are leasing another building for services. Together, the Bushings have three daughters.

Kermit & Cheryl Horn

Serving in France
The Horns sow the seeds of evangelism through involvement in community groups and through lectures on history and philosophy. They often spend a couple of winter months here at Redeemer.


Wycliffe Bible Translators
C serves in North Africa, translating the Bible into the language of a local people group.
Mission To the World France
Joshua serves as an assistant pastor in a French church, where he and Charline lead the youth group. He conducts evangelistic outreach, provides pastoral visits, and preaches and teaches. They announced the birth of their first baby in June 2024
Mission to the World Athens, Greece
The Pervis’s serve with Glyfada Church ministering to refugees who have settled in Athens.
They minister by providing English language studies, Bible studies and social work among women and outreach to prostitutes in the city.
RUF @ University of South Florida
Aldo leads on- and off-campus activities for RUF, an outreach to college students, including fellowship gatherings, discipleship encounters, Bible studies and leadership development among students. Aldo and Abbie have two children.
Greater Europe Mission, Spain
Pere and Celia organize and deploy missionary teams throughout Europe, and Pere preaches once a month at his city's first evangelical church, serving a population of 100,000 people.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.